Search Engine Optimization[SEO] Services

AMOS infotech

AMOS infotech Search engine Optimisation (SEO) Service

The AMOS infotech are experts in website search engine Optimisation and submission, we are able to achieve and maintain high ranking for all our clients thats why 80% of our business comes from referrals!

More familiarly known as Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) - by securing an Internet presence will not always guarantee that your website will attract visitor number in the volume you may require to justify your investment in the website. Research has shown that over 90% of Internet users will use a Search Engine to identify and locate a product or service they require . With thousands of website on the Internet, how do you expect your website to be top of the pile?

This is why a carefully devised strategy is required to ensure your website achieves a high ranking with Search Engines. Search Engine Optimisation is the common term that is used describe the promotion of website to Search Engines.

At AMOS infotech we have a team of experienced SEO Engineers who are able to promote your website to ensure you have the edge over your competitors, SEO is an ongoing process and in order to maintain a high ranking your website needs to be maintained and updated accordingly. Ideally the best and the most cost effective way is to ensure that your website has been correctly designed in the first instance.

There are hundreds internet marketing companies that claim to be able to get #1 rankings for their clients. There are dozens of approaches to search engine optimization, but few provide real and continuous results. The only true way is complete optimization of each web page in the website, whether it be optimizing the Meta Tags, The Code or the Content and no matter how you look at it takes time and a lot of it.

AMOS infotech

We take a very aggressive and proactive approach to search engine optimization; we spend an average of 150 to 300 hours a year per campaign.


Keyword Research

The power of keyword research lies in better understanding your target market and how they are searching for your content, services, or products.


Onsite Optimization

Onpage optimization refers to all measures that can be taken directly within the website in order to improve its position


Off-page Optimisation

In the field of SEO, link building describes actions aimed at increasing the number and quality of inbound links to a webpage


Reporting and Analysis

Our monthly SEO Report consists of ranking report, activity report and social media efforts undertaken and its impact on the ranking.


Why do I need SEO?

There is not a lot of point in going through the expenditure of designing a website and then avoid marketing your website, unless your site is intended purely as a presence on the Internet and not for promotional/marketing purposes. That is, a website you pointed people to rather than want people to find through a search engine.

If you have a product to promote or sell, search engine Optimisation is an absolute necessity. Without it your website will be buried in the bowels of the search engines and the only visitor you are likely to get is yourself checking to see if the site is still there! One thing you must remember at this stage is that SEO is an ongoing process; how Search Engine operate is evolving constantly therefore to ensure that you maintain your high ranking - this process must be continued to sustain this high ranking.


Why SEO is Beneficial
To Your Business?


Ranking Importance

Research shows that approximately 85% of all websites are found when people search on search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo.


Effective Strategy

SEO allows you the ability to choose keyword phrases for searches performed by potential customers.


Bring Visitors

Solid SEO and search friendly website will help bring new visitors and potential new businesses to your website.


Major Search Engines

96% of Internet users begin their Web search through a major search engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo, AOL)


1.2 Trillion Search Results

In 2017, more than 3.5 billion searches per day were performed which equates to 1.2 trillion searches worldwide.


Consumer Perception

The general consumer perception is that the higher a website is ranked in a search engine, the better and reliable the business is in meeting your needs.

Let’s Get Your
Project Started

We will help you to achieve your goals and to grow your business.

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AMOS infotech